Very Busy in March

We have had a busy month in the gardens. The tamariki have been coming in every day to water the gardens as we still haven’t been able to use the irrigation.

Our seedlings that we planted in February are popping up. We are so excited to see them appearing.


We had a mulch day - mulching the gardens and some of the school grounds. The tamariki were amazed how hot it was in the mulch pile so we tried to cook a potato in there. We had long discussions about WHY it was so hot and decided the heat was forming during the process of breaking down the materials.


We have been harvesting heaps of zucchini, melon, beans, corn and tomatoes and sharing recipes.


We found a lot of peach stones in the worm bins so we have been breaking theses with brick to get to the seed. We are hoping to grow our own peach trees.


We have HEAPS and HEAPS of monarch caterpillars hanging under the wicking beds and among the vegetable plants. We’re checking them every day to make sure they are safe and can’t wait to see them emerge.
